A F S O G . O R G


Our Mission: Health, Afghan Women Rights

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About FIGO committees

It should be noted that the esteemed members of the Afghanistan Society of Gynecologist and Obstetrician, who are registered at Afsog's database!!!
Figo or the International Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists selects candidates for its working committees to advance the affairs as described in the above message.

About FIGO committees
Committees are established at the FIGO General Assembly and sit for two years (known as a term). Individual members can serve a maximum of two terms.
Committee meetings are held online via Zoom, usually every 8-12 weeks. They are conducted in English.
Each committee's schedule is different and will be planned by the Committee Chair in liaison with FIGO HQ, with consideration for the time zones and availability of members at the beginning of the term.

For further information about our divisions and committees, or to discuss the opportunities and benefits of being a member of a committee, please contact us.
Note: To receive the email and the Figo website of the International Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Afghanistan, refer to the News section of the Afsog website.
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Website: afsog.org
Facebook: AFSOG
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Twitter: @AfsogAfg
YouTube: AFSOG afg
With respect

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